Life-enhancing diagnostics and treatments
Memory Clinic
The Memory Clinic at NeuroLoulé was created to provide quick and accurate diagnoses for those suffering from memory problems.
Generally, it is difficult for people to tell if their memory problems are the result of the normal ageing process or if they are a sign of a disease.
The clinic is jointly run by a neuropsychologist, along with a G.P. and consultant in neurology and psychiatry. We are able to carry out and organise all the tests and investigations necessary to establish the correct diagnosis, e.g. EEG, scans (CT, MRI) and blood tests.
The memory and general mental function of each patient are studied, and a comparison made against normal parameters, taking into consideration the age and educational level of the individual. These assessments, along with other investigations, provide the basis for diagnosis and treatment planning.
Whilst the first complaint from people who will go on to develop dementia (Alzheimer’s or other types of disease) is memory loss, not all cases of memory loss are the result of brain disorders.
A certain degree of memory loss is normal as we age, and memory can also be affected by medication, especially tranquillisers and sleeping pills, and other diseases and problems such as diabetes, thyroid problems, fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, and depression.
Early treatment of memory loss due to disease allows people to maintain their autonomy and enjoy a good quality of life for much longer than if left undiagnosed.